Make sure you have access to the cellphone you are verifying as you will receive an OTP to the cellphone number.
You can verify your cellphone number by following these steps:
- Log onto your account with your username or email address and your password.
- Click on your "username" in the top right hand corner of the website and select "Profile".
- On the profile page, in the "Personal Details" section, enter your cellphone number and click on the "Update Cellphone" button, you will then receive a "One time pin" to your cellphone.
Enter the one time pin you received into the popup block on your AltCoinTrader page and click the "submit" button, your cellphone number will now be verified.
Tips and tricks when verifying your identity
- Make sure you have your cellphone in your possession when verifying your cellphone number as you will be receiving a one time pin.
- Your cellphone number must be RICA'd.
- You must be the owner of the cellphone number.