When changing your email you are required to verify your identity in order to prove that you own the account
We will need you to submit the following documents to verify your account in order for us to remove your email change hold
- A picture of yourself holding your ID next to your face
- A handwritten note with the words "AltCoinTrader.co.za", "the current date" and "Email change".
Requirements for the picture of yourself holding your ID next to your face is as follow
- Please use a light, neutral background.
- Please look straight at the camera.
- The picture of yourself holding your ID next to your face must be in color.
Requirements for your identity document
- Identity document can be a national ID or an international passport.
- Identity document must contain your date of birth.
- Identity document must be original (not photocopied).
- Information on the document must be clearly visible.
Requirements for handwritten note:
- The handwritten note must contain the words "AltCoinTrader.co.za", "the current date" and "Email change", for example, "AltCoinTrader.co.za, 12/12/2012, Email change"
- The note must be handwritten and original (not photocopied)