When your balance does not reflect your purchase it simply means your order has not been filled.
You can see if your order has been filled by following these steps:
- Log onto your www.altcointrader.co.za account with your username or email address and your password.
- Go to the crypto you have bought/sold, for this example, we are going to use Bitcoin.
- Scroll down until you see the "My Current Sell Offers" / "My Current Buy Offers", this is where your open orders are displayed that has not been filled as yet, as there is currently not a matching trade offer and will only be completed as soon as there is a trade match offer.
From here you are able to cancel your order and adjust your trade or you can simply wait for it to be filled. You are able to view all your open order balances on your Balances page.
Tips and tricks
- If you wish to instantly buy have a look at the current selling price under the "Current Sell Offers" block, as well as the amount of crypto available as an indicator of how much is currently available to purchase at what price.
- If you wish to instantly sell have a look at the current selling price under the "Current Buy Offers" block, as well as the amount of crypto available as an indicator of how much is currently available to purchase at what price.