What is Estimated Portfolio Value?
The Estimated Portfolio value is total value of your account shown in ZAR, this includes the current cryptocurrancies & Rands/ZAR in your spot wallet, open orders and the value in your savings wallet. The Estimated Portfolio value is based on the current prices.
How does Estimates Portfolio Value work?
The Estimated Portfolio Value of your account will fluctuate due to the volatility of the markets. It is calculated by the ZAR value of the crypto currently in you spot and savings wallet. If the price on the cryptocurrencies in your wallet raise, your Estimated Portfolio Value in Rands/ZAR will also raise and vise versa.
Where can I find my Estimated Portfolio Value?
1. Log onto your www.altcointrader.co.za account with your username or email address and your password.
2. In the top menu, click on the "Wallet" button.
3. You will find the Estimated Portfolio Value in the top left-hand corner.